Show Premise:
The power of sports can be demonstrated through the testimony of the millions who not only watch it, but play it. And for those who come from unfortunate situations, sports is often their way out. It’s a getaway from the pain and sometimes danger at home, while playing on a team builds self-confidence and brotherhood.
This series allows athletes from all sports and all skill levels share how sports has saved their lives.
Why this:
Sometimes it doesn’t matter that a player who normally averages 12 points a game, suddenly put up 35. To us it matters more the reason WHY he did it! In this short-series documentary, we will explore what has driven some athletes to be super stars, while discovering some unbelievable circumstances others had to survive. These stories will feature both well known celebrity players, as well as, regular people who have used sports as their way out.
Where to Watch:
The first edition of “HOW SPORTS SAVED MY LIFE” is currently in production as a documentary - “The Andrew Lovedale Story.” After the completion and distribution of the Lovedale piece, the series will be available to green-light for broadcast and/or online media. Produced by DN Media.